Friday, January 21, 2011

Instalación de un servidor CVS en ubuntu

De forma rápida y concisa:

1. Instale CVS y el servidor CVS:
sudo apt-get install cvs
sudo apt-get install cvsd

Cuando le pregunte la ruta del repositorio, teclee: “/cvsroot”.

2. Configure CVS
vaya a /var/lib/cvsd y teclee:
sudo cvsd-buildroot /var/lib/cvsd

Crear la carpeta cvsroot:
sudo mkdir cvsroot

e inicialice el repositorio:
sudo cvs -d /var/lib/cvsd/cvsroot init
sudo chown -R cvsd:cvsd cvsroot

Defina un usuario y password:
sudo cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/cvsroot +username

y cambie el tipo de autorización descomentando la línea “SystemAuto=no”:
sudo vi /var/lib/cvsd/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config

3. Pruebe CVS
cvs -d :pserver:username@localhost:/cvsroot login
cvs -d :pserver:username@localhost:/cvsroot checkout

4. Instale xinetd
Edite el archivo xinetd.conf:
sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.conf

copie lo siguiente:

service cvspserver
port = 2401
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
server = /var/lib/cvsd/bin/cvs
server_args = -f --allow-root /var/lib/cvsd/cvsrepo pserver
disable = no

Reinice el servicio:
sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart


Anonymous said...

lanza esto cuanto trato de ejecutar el checkout:

Fatal error, aborting.
cvsd: no such system user

podrìas ayudarme?

Arthur de Jong said...

Are you sure you need step 4? It doesn't seem to use the chroot jail if you are running cvsd already.

Anyway, to fix the problem with "no such system user" you should try cvsd-buildroot from cvsd 1.0.22.

(I don't really read Spanish so I may have misinterpreted some things)